Employee Information Updates

Employee Information Regarding COVID-19

San Diego Blood Bank is an essential community service and will remain open during the statewide ‘stay at home’ order announced by California Gov. Gavin Newsom. As Executive Order N-33-20 states, “Californians must have access to such necessities as food, prescriptions and healthcare.”

If you are able to work remotely, please contact your manager for guidance. Depending on non-remote employee absences, you may be called in to help fill gaps.

If you do not feel well, please notify your supervisor and stay home. Staff over the age of 65, and all staff with serious chronic medical conditions, such as heart disease, diabetes and lung disease, should refrain from coming to work—or should work from home—to reduce the risk of exposure. 

Thank you for your continued service to patients in our local hospitals during this time.

(Updated 3-20-2020)